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Imposter Syndrome is believing that you don’t know what you’re doing and hoping that no one in your business finds out. It doesn’t matter if you’re new to the role or you are a seasoned executive taking on a new role in the company. 

Using the basic tenets of Leading with Heart, humility and empathy, Dr. Jeff Kaplan and Raj Khera will walk you through the process of getting past your Imposter Syndrome and “building successive confidence.”

Imposter Syndrome can be a friendly nudge. 

It should say: What am I missing? Or, what do I have to learn?

Solution: Take the fear piece and throw it away. Go learn what you need to learn. Stop making it about you and make it about the mission of your organization.

Click to listen to the most recent podcast and stay tuned for more!

-Dr. Jeff Kaplan

Dr. Jeff Kaplan is a business psychologist and executive coach who coaches executives and high potentials to lead with heart. Jeff helps leaders to work more collaboratively with others, recognizing that people are an organization’s greatest asset.